Generalni konzul

Generalni konzul

Nj.E. Tatjana Telić

Od avgusta 2023. godine obavlja dužnost generalnog konzula Bosne i Hercegovine u Čikagu.

Gđa Tatjana Telić rođena je 1978. godine u Rijeci, u Republici Hrvatskoj. Diplomirala je na Ekonomskom fakultetu, Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci. Diplomatsku akademiju Fakulteta političkih nauka pohađala 2012. godine, a 2022. godine Evropski koledž za bezbjednost i odbranu.

U Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srpske zaposlena je od 2000. godine, gdje je radila na sljedećim pozicijama:

  • od septembra 2000. godine do marta 2007. godine radila je na radnom mjestu višeg stručnog saradnika u Odjeljenju za međunarodnu policijsku saradnju u Kabinetu ministra,
  • od marta 2007. godine do februara 2011. godine radila je kao viši stručni saradnik u Jedinici za strateško planiranje i evropske integracije u Službi ministra,
  • u februaru 2011. godine postala je načelnik Odjeljenja za međunarodnu saradnju,
  • u avgustu 2015. godine imenovana za šefa kabineta ministra unutrašnjih poslova,
  • na poziciji načelnika Jedinice za međunarodnu saradnju i evropske integracije radi od avgusta 2019. godine.


U martu 2023. godine, Predsjedništvo BiH je predložilo gospođu Tatjanu Telić za generalnog konzula BiH u Chicagu, SAD.

Preko dvadeset godina iskustva u međunarodnim poslovima obilježili su odnosi sa diplomatskim i konzularnim predstavništvima i međunarodnim organizacijama u zemlji i svijetu, predsjedavanje radnim tijelima, uključujući i radnu grupu za spoljnu, bezbjednosnu i odbrambenu politiku prilikom izrade programa integrisanja BiH u EU. Učesnica je desetina simpozijuma, međunarodnih konferencija, alumnista Džordž Maršal Centra za bezbjednosne studije, Studijskog programa Evropske unije, Studijskog programa posjetilaca SAD, Međunarodne asocijacije rukovodilaca u policiji sa sjedištem u SAD-u i dr.

Gđa Telić govori sljedeće strane jezike:

  • engleski jezik (nivo C1),
  • italijanski jezik (nivo B1),
  • francuski jezik (nivo A2).


Majka je troje djece.

Consul General

H.E. Tatjana Telic


In August 2023, Ms. Telic was appointed as Consul General in Consulate of the Bosnia and Herzegovina in Chicago.  

Ms Tatjana Telić was born in 1978, in Rijeka, the Republic of Croatia. She graduated from the Faculty of Economy, University of Banja Luka. She attended the Diplomatic Academy of the Faculty of Political Science in 2012, and in 2022, Ms Telić attended the European Security and Defense College.

She has been employed with the Republic of Srpska Ministry of the Interior since 2000, where she performed tasks on the following positions:

  • from September 2000 till March 2007, she performed tasks as the Expert Associate at the Department for International Police Cooperation within the Office of the Minister,
  • and from March 2007 till February 2011, she performed tasks as the Senior Expert Associate at the Unit for Strategic Planning and European Integration within the Office of the Minister,
  • in February 2011 she became the Head of Department for International Cooperation,
  • in August 2015, she was appointed Chief of the Cabinet of the Minister of the Interior,
  • in August 2019, she was appointed to the position of the Head of the Unit for International Cooperation and European Integration.


In March 2023, Ms Tatjana Telic was nominated by the Presidency of BiH as General Consul of BiH in Chicago, USA.

More than 20 years of her experience in international affairs has been marked with relations with diplomatic and consular offices and international organisations in the country and around the world, being the chair of several task forces, including the task force for foreign, security and defense policy for making the integration programme of BIH to EU. She has been a participant of dozens of symposiums, international conferences; alumni of George Marshall Center for Security Studies, Study Programme of EU, International Visitors Leaders Programme to USA, International Association of Chiefs of Police, based in the USA, etc.

Ms Telić is a proficient user (C1) of English language, independent user (B1) of Italian language and basic user (A2) of French language.


She is mother of three children.